The Beyond Motion® approach helps you reprogram your body from the inside out, using a variety of techniques to help you live a stronger, happier, and healthier life.
By taking a whole body (holistic) approach we place a strong emphasis on the combination of functional movement training, injury prevention and strength development. And our highly educated team of professionals are committed to helping clients transform their lives through movement. Whether you are a seasoned athlete, rehabilitating after an injury, getting into a new exercise routine, or simply looking for variety in your fitness program, we offer training in private or semi-private sessions designed to engage and transform both your body and mind.
Founded in 2007
For owners Amy and Rick, fitness is part of a lifestyle that they are very grateful to have and, together, they work relentlessly to encourage others to begin a healthy journey as well. They both know that health and fitness not only allows a person to perform better but one can live and feel better, too.
Co-Founder + OwnerB.S. Exercise Science, Colorado State University
Certifications Include:
National Strength & Conditioning Association CSCS®
USA Weightlifting
International Sports Sciences Association
Wilderness First Responder
Even as a kid first learning about the intricacies of sports, Rick Lademann knew then that if he wanted his body to perform at its highest level, he needed to treat it like a machine.
Bodies need the right fuel. The right amount of movement. And enough personal care to foster it into something spectacular.
Little did Rick know that this information would be enough to propel him into a lifelong career focused on the importance of strength, speed and the conditioning of athletes.
Sports, exercise and nutrition was what helped Rick lose weight as a child. He grew up admiring everything about the sports environment – from preparing for the games and to being part of a team.
Learning how to create a powerful body became Rick’s passion and that passion was fueled by legendary Hall of Fame Strength Coach Al Vermeil – the only strength coach to have World Championship rings from both the NBA and the NFL. While in his 20s, Rick began working for Vermeil and he learned quickly that there was a science and an art behind how the body becomes bigger, faster and stronger.
Rick worked with Vermeil and the World Champion Chicago Bulls and, after that, he headed to Colorado Springs where he worked at the United States Olympic Training Center under the care of former Romanian Olympic weightlifter Dragomir Cioroslan for USA Weightlifting. Rick lived on the campus for two years and then expanded his career even further when he went to the U.S. Air Force Academy, also in Colorado, to assist the strength coaches with its powerful football team. During this time, he also juggled work with the USA Figure Skating team at the Colorado Springs World Arena.
Rick also spent time in Denver working with internationally recognized orthopedic surgeons at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic as the strength and conditioning consultant. It was at the clinic where Rick handled post physical therapy on athletes and this introduced him to many members of the Colorado Rockies. This opportunity led to yet another great honor for Rick as he became the primary performance coach for famed baseball player Larry Walker, the only Rockies player to ever win the National League MVP award. Even famed sportswriter Ken Rosenthal noticed a change in Walker’s performance after Rick began his work, stating that the program Rick created made such a difference in Walker’s performance that it was evident from the start of spring training.
Rick’s resume lured many colleges and universities his way, each hoping to recruit him because of his impressive background in human performance. Rick ended up accepting a coaching position for strength and conditioning at the University of California Berkley where he was instrumental in helping the Cal rugby team win a national championship in 2003. In addition to rugby, Rick also served as the strength coach for the men’s and women’s tennis, baseball and basketball teams.
With more than 18 years of performance enhancement experience, Rick felt motivated to create his own facility with his wife, Amy, where they could both work with and encourage others to challenge themselves and sculpt their bodies the best ways possible.
At BEYOND MOTION®, Rick has worked with an array of clients, from aspiring athletic teenagers to prominent athletes who travel to Naples specifically to train at this facility. He is known as the “Coaches Coach” and works with each of BEYOND MOTION®’s personal trainers and coaches to help them elevate their education and knowledge to the next level.
Rick’s goal is the same as it has been through his entire career – to provide athletes with the clarity and the right tools they need to achieve their goals.
Co-Founder + Owner
B.S. Business Administration
Certifications & Titles Include:
Bodi Suspension System®
Nutrition Coach
Competitive Body Builder
Figure Pro in several Natural Body Building organizations including: NGA, OCB
Amy has dedicated her life to health and fitness.
As the co-founder of BEYOND MOTION® and the creator of the Barre Motion Programs weren’t just career choices for Amy, but they were part of a larger mission. Amy pours herself into her work because she strongly believes that the overall wellbeing of one’s body is the most important thing in the world. And she has good reason to think so.
As a teenager, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Although he didn’t focus on taking care of his health as Amy does, his diagnosis led her to search for answers as to why and how his illness could have happened.
What Amy found out surprised her. It infuriated her. And inevitably, it changed her life.
At the age of 16, while many teens were living less than healthy life styles, Amy began researching the quality of food and personal care products. She began to believe that many of the ingredients listed on labels might have not only contributed to her father’s health issues, but also to the health issues of many other family members who suffered from chronic degenerative diseases. At this time, Amy became an aerobics instructor and soon after added achieved her step certification. She had studied dance as a child, and began cheering and studying martial arts in college.
Amy’s father died at the age of 45 when she was just 20 years old. Several other members of her family also passed away within a few years of one another.
The sadness and the loss empowered Amy, even more, to fight for her own health and wellbeing.
Amy was determined to take responsibility for how she treated her body and mind, and she made it her goal to help others do the same.
Amy ventured into the world of health, and she eventually fell in love with everything it had to offer. And quickly, her passion turned into her work.
In the 1990s Amy became certified in yoga, the Nia Technique and soon after she was led to the world of Pilates. Over the past decade, Amy has earned her certifications in a wide variety of dance fitness techniques and is passionate about continuing her lifelong education in all forms of movement. She believes that a true educator is always a student.
Today, Amy is not only the co-founder of a Beyond Motion, but she is also renowned a Pilates educator. She received her initial certification in the late 1990s with Polestar Pilates. To expand her repertoire, she has trained with a myriad of renowned Pilates programs throughout the world. Amy is certified through the Pilates Method Alliance and has completed her MOTR® and Bodhi Suspension System® training through Balanced Body University.
Amy partnered with the Pilates Education Institute to create a dynamic full 450+ hour comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training program at BEYOND MOTION®. BEYOND MOTION®’s Pilates Instructor Training program is designed using a contemporary approach to the classical method.
Amy is also a motivational speaker and a certified nutrition coach. She has spent more than 20 years educating people on how to take a holistic approach to healthy living. Perhaps one of her most successful approaches to date, is the creation of Barre Motion in 2011, a cardio barre program that helps people create an “ideal” relationship with their bodies. The Barre Motion mantra of feeling strength, finding grace, and embracing personal power, has changed lives around the world.
Looking to raise her own bar, in 2017 Amy competed in her first body building competition in the figure and bikini divisions through the NGA (National Gym Association) a drug-free bodybuilding organization. At her first competition, she won first place in Figure Debut (for the first time on stage); Figure Masters (for the over 35-year-old category); Figure Open (every age and level) and Second Place in Bikini Open. She also earned her Pro Card. In 2018 and 2019 she competed on even larger stages and has won many more first place titles including overall figure champion.
Amy’s goal remains just as it was when she was that teenager struggling with her father’s illness – she wants to help people understand that being healthy doesn’t simply mean working out for 30 minutes a day, being thin or eating fruits and vegetables every now and then. It’s about what you do every day, to live your best, healthiest life possible.
Each staff member undergoes a rigorous interview process, to make sure they have the proper education and credentials to make the cut. All certified strength and conditioning coaches are required to have a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science and other related majors. All of the Pilates coaches go through a rigorous certification process of more than 450 hours. Everyone on the BEYOND MOTION® team shares Amy and Rick’s innate passion for fitness.
The Space
Inside Beyond Motion®, you will find state-of-the-art conditioning and Pilates equipment, that the team uses along with scientifically-based programs designed to achieve maximum results. The team is constantly assessing and working to make sure Beyond Motion® offers the latest equipment and programs in every field offered. From athletic conditioning, speed training, and sports performance, to Pilates, nutrition coaching, and post-physical therapy, clients can expect nothing but the best.